Yoda Fountain a ‘Fan Mecca’
‘The Force’ is strong in San Francisco. Nestled in the lush Presidio, a former military base transformed into a national park that overlooks the S.F. Bay Area, resides a life-sized replica of Yoda, George Lucas’ ‘Master of the Force.’
Since Yoda’s inauguration in 2005, Star Wars fans, dressed as their favorite characters, have migrated to take pictures with the tiny legend and visit Lucasfilm Ltd.’s headquarters.
“The Dutch guidebook said ‘Love it, you will,’ said Dutch tourist, Tom Van Zwieten, who raised his children as fans of the trilogies.
Dedicated fans, like Zwieten, book flights all over the world, visiting dozens of location shoots and special sites, but “the Yoda fountain is the public face of Lucasfilm, the one picture-taking opportunity that they have with something from Star Wars,” says Steve Sansweet, a fan relations advisor for Lucasfilm.
Source: USA Today
CC Flickr photo credit: BW Jones