"Times Square," Flickr photo credit: snorpey

Artistic Rendering of The New Times Square


The famous Times Square in New York is facing a $27 million redesign.

Flashy, humongous signs that greet the millions of tourists off of their New York flights will soon be transformed into “sleek silver-gray spaces populated by slablike benches and metallic tiles” according to the New York Times report.

Still needing to be approved by the city, it’s expected to be done in 2014.

Tom Tompkins, president of the Times Square Alliance, was quoted in the New York Times report saying “we have a dump-looking plaza.”

Tompkins calls the Times Square redesign’s plan a chance to “Simplify and declutter.”

New Yorkers would be happy to know that one of the redesign’s goals is have walkways organized to a point so they can be on one side and tourists on the other.


“Times Square,” CC Flickr photo credit: Snorpey

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