Do you dream of making a living as a globetrotter, visiting different destinations as a key part of your job? If you can muster the right amount of work ethic and combine it with ample wanderlust and enthusiasm, landing a decent job that allows you to live in amazing places and travel the world is definitely doable and a goal worth pursuing.
Still, that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy or that just because you want a job that allows you to travel on round trip flights around the world that you’ll be handed one on a silver platter. You’ll literally have to earn it, and you’ll need to think strategically about your options.
Here’s a look at 10 of the best careers for people who love to travel.
English Teacher
Probably the best job for proficient English speakers keen to travel is to teach English as a second language. There are literally thousands of ESL positions open across the globe. Of course, you’ll need to train first and actually like interacting with others as an educator. Depending on where you end up, the pay can be pretty good too with plenty of perks and free time to travel.
Tour Guide
Do you speak a second language or know a particular subject or place very well? If you like sharing your knowledge with a captive audience then being a tour guide might be a great gig for you. Maybe you could guide history tours through Rome, a tapas bar crawl across Madrid or gallery walks in Paris. The opportunities are limited only to your imagination and the interests of other tourists.
Flight Attendant
Working as a flight attendant is one of the best ways to fuse your love of travel with your need to earn an income. The job is a lot more demanding than many may realize though and means you’re on your feet a lot, serving others and keeping the safety of your passengers in mind while in flight. But for those with the knack, it’s an ideal way to live the jet-setter dream.
Hotel Worker
Working for an international hotel group is a good way to settle into temporary assignments in foreign cities and popular destinations. From basic labor to jobs in management and sales, and others requiring specific skills and experience, getting a job with a hotel can be a savvy way to get ahead while you get around.
Cruise Ship Worker
With their many ports of call and large-scale staffing needs, cruise ships are an excellent setting for hard working nomads to get a job. Pay isn’t all that great and your quarters may be cramped but few other opportunities offer the chance to sail the world and get paid for it.
If you can mix a decent drink and don’t mind serving the inebriated, working as a bartender can be your ticket to seeing the world. Odds are you’ll need to be willing to work while everybody else is partying, but it can still come with huge payoffs and fairly flexible schedules.
Au Pair
If you like working with children, consider being an au pair. Some find it one of the most rewarding jobs of their lives and a good way to see another country and make meaningful connections with people while abroad. If you’re unaware, an au pair is typically a person from a foreign country providing child care with the exchange of room and board.
Sports/Fitness Instructor
Do you surf, ski, practice yoga or any other form of sport or fitness activity? Then you’re in great shape for a job teaching others how to do it with opportunities to work on the beach in Hawaii, or the slopes of the French Alps, or a spa in Thailand or any number of other amazing playgrounds across the globe. Many instructor jobs are seasonal in nature allowing you to travel during the off-season.
Massage Therapist
Similar to work as a sports or fitness instructor, a career as a massage therapist can open up opportunities to hop on round trip flights to beautiful places around the world, making people feel happy in both body and spirit.
Travel Blogger/Influencer
As fun as it sounds, working as a travel blogger or digital influencer of any sort comes with a heap of demands and a never-ending workload. But for the right personality, an overactive penchant for social media activity can pave the path to a fascinating career. Blogs, social media, and a growing range of media are becoming more and more the accepted norm for how people source information for their travel and leisure choices. Be for all but the most super popular influencers, the pay can be meager and building a substantial online following can be tough and take a long time. And like any career, to make it as a travel blogger you’ll need to approach it like a full-time job. Still, you can’t beat the perks.
Have any suggestions or ideas for careers of world travelers catching round trip flights? Tell us in the comments.