If the sight of a fin in the water gives you giggles instead of goosebumps, then you’re probably a daredevil who likes a dash of danger with your holiday. While not all sharks on this list are dangerous, they are still amazing creatures that are worth traveling to see. Here are 6 locations from across the globe that are perfect for swimming with, and viewing, these elegant creatures.
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Cocos Island, Costa Rica
With a healthy school of beautiful hammerhead sharks in its waters, you can experience a chilled out swim with these magnificent creatures off this island of Costa Rica. The hammerheads are attracted to the warm volcanic waters during the summer months and so make themselves visible in abundance.
Ambergris Caye, Belize
Perfect for divers who are just getting their feet wet (no pun intended) in shark encounters, the shallow waters off Belize‘s largest island are full of gentle nurse sharks. While you’re down swimming with the sharks, don’t forget to enjoy the Belize Barrier Reef, the second largest in the world after the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.
Beqa Lagoon, Fiji
When you think of the word “shark-infested waters,” you’re probably thinking of the waters of Beqa Lagoon in Fiji. Also famous as the soft coral capital of the world, the rich reef expanse is teeming with marine life, and, for shark enthusiasts, eight species of sharks, including the terrific tiger shark.
Fish Rock Cave, Australia
Famous as one of the best dive spots for marine life in Australia as well as for being one of the largest ocean caverns in the southern hemisphere, Fish Rock Cave in New South Wales is also home to a fairly large population (numbering in their hundreds) of gray nurse sharks. The close encounters with these graceful creatures are sure to make for some great pictures.
Guadalupe, Mexico
The small volcanic island of Guadalupe off Mexico‘s Baja California peninsula features numerous great whites that are easily visible thanks to clear waters. Cage diving is the way to go for anyone seeking a bit of thrill and the chance to catch a glimpse of these awesome predators.
Gansbaai, South Africa
To experience the largest concentration of great white sharks in the world, you just need to jump in a cage and get dropped into shark-filled waters off Gansbaai, South Africa. Before you can yell “Pull me out, dammit!” you’ll be up close and very personal with rows of sharp teeth and emotionless eyes – enough to give you nightmares for days.
Swimming with sharks on your bucket list? Grab cheap international flights to tick it off on your next holiday!
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