I heard about a so called robot restaurant in Bangkok a while ago already, so it was about time to visit it. Here’s my report.
The Robots
My wildest imaginations, the robots would freely drive or walk around in the restaurant and you could jump in front of them to see how they react were not fulfilled. Instead they run on a track inside a 10-metre long glass corridor. But hey, therefore they can dance: About every 30 minutes they perform a dance show by moving their arms randomly and rotating around their axis. The best was one of the younger visitors: A girl – about three-years old – was keenly watching their dance and imitating their arm movements.
The Food
Its Japanese style and yummy. You can either choose to do individual orders or take the Shabu (boiling soup) or BBQ set. The sets are “all you can eat” and will cost you 499 Baht net per person.
Placing Orders
You can just go through the easy touch-screen menu and order what you desire. five to 15 minutes later the robot will deposit it at the window of your table. Sometimes the normal staff will serve you something, if the robots are “in too much stress.”
Restaurant webpage, Phone number: 02 683 1670 – Since you will need to go a long way to get there, I recommend to call them and ask for a reservation. Doing this just two-hours before you go is enough.
How to Get There
Since the place is not near any public transport except buses, the best is to just go by taxi. Have a mobile phone ready to call the restaurant in case the taxi driver wouldn’t know the way. Book your flight to Bangkok today and experience the robot restaurant!
Charles Rahm is a travel blogger focusing on Asia and Europe. He started his own travel blog dontworryjusttravel.com in October 2011 and has published around 60 articles since then. You can keep in touch with him on Facebook and Twitter: dontworryjusttravel, @DWJustTravel.
photo: Charles Rahm