How To Attend a Destination Wedding (On the Cheap!)

Beneath the often ornate envelope is your invitation to spend upwards of a few thousand dollars to attend a friend’s destination wedding. Most of us experience that pocketbook dread when the destination...

6 Fall Vacations You Can *Actually* Afford to Take

Have you heard of the off-season? It's probably the single most important season to a budgeting traveler. It's that sweet spot between September and February when tourist season is over and iconic cities are...

6 Spots Millennials Should Flock to This Fall

Ah, Millennials. We do love those little buggers. They seem to love taking long-held travel trends and flipping them on their head -- and, hey, we like it! It keeps us on our toes. So when we thought about...

Five Great Homecoming Celebrations Across the U.S.

September is the month when homecoming season kicks off and, let’s face it, some schools do it better than others. We’ve scouted out some of the best homecoming celebrations and traditions across the...

How to Make Friends While You Travel

“Anna and Reto got married,” I told my husband Kevin, the other night. We were sitting in bed, me on Facebook on my phone, him in the middle of a Fantasy Football draft. “Did they post pictures?” He...

How to Handle Missing Your Flight

So you've missed your flight already -- that sucks. But there's perhaps nothing worse than the panicky feeling that comes next: What do I do now? Though some people's answers to that are different than what...

5 Apps That Can Enrich Your Travel Experience

When you’re on the road, things can get lonely. Sure, you must have had high expectations of meeting awesome people on your travels, but maybe you’re just a bit shy and sometimes find yourself behind a...

How to Pack a Last-Minute Go Bag (Like a Pro)

If you have just 10 minutes to gather your bag for travel, chaos and pandemonium can set in, leaving you with a bag filled with unnecessary items and devoid of forgotten essentials. By having a go bag at the...