When you think about Japan, so many amazing things come to mind. Delicious food, whiz bang technology, rich culture and history, streets crammed with polite people, and -- that it’s too darn...
Kawaii (pronounced like “Hawaii”), is much more than just a Japanese word used to describe anything that looks really cute -- it's actually a style, a culture, and a magical kingdom of lollipop dreams,...
If you’re a fan of the Marvel Universe, then you (like us), often spend your time fantasizing about escaping to one of the many mystical cities and alternate worlds where our beloved stories take place. And...
Stretching all the way from the black-sand beaches of New Zealand to the welcoming palm trees of the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific Islands have historically had a close relationship with America. But these...
If you’re Star Wars obsessed (like we are), then you know how to be patient. Hanging in there for a new mind-blowing movie isn’t easy, but enduring the lengthy wait to hear more about Disney’s new Star...
As an Aussie living in the United States, I am often confronted by the misconceptions about Australia and its people. I’ve certainly heard them all, from killer wildlife to the cherished pastime of comparing...
Can you imagine what type of inventions the Victorians might have created for the modern world? If so, then you’re well on the way to considering yourself a steampunk. For the uninitiated, steampunk is a...
Chile is without a doubt an adventure traveler’s paradise. It’s covered almost entirely by mountains, spans 2,610 miles north to south, and is home to five UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The country also...
Practiced all over the world, with a "no boundaries" attitude and a deep connection to nature, surfing is much more than a sport. It's a hobby and way of life that many use to escape the daily grind and...
December 7th, 1941. It’s one of the most infamous dates in world history. On that day, at 7:55 a.m., Japan launched a devastating surprise attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor in...
We know that when it comes to planning a vacation, the cost of getting there is usually what hits us hardest in the wallet. Accommodations, food, and a fun-filled budget are up there for sure, but it’s the...
Hey, we get it: asking to take a vacation can be kind of intimidating. Even if you’ve proven yourself to be a valuable asset to the company (the Anderson deal probably would have closed anyway, but that...
If you travel with your phone, camera or laptop (like most of us) then you must be very familiar with lithium-ion batteries. They're found in hearing aids, cell phones, standard laptop batteries, etc. If...