Durban (DUR) offers accommodation for every class and choice, you have an option if you are on budget and also if you are ready to experience a luxury stay. Accommodation in Durban itself is conveniently concentrated along the beachfront or Golden Mile, close to the Durban central business district. Slick, high rise Durban hotels with sea views and swimming pools proliferate along this lively strip.
How to get around in Durban
The best way to get around Durban is by car, or else you can hop in any local transport such as Bus, Taxi, Minibus and Rickshaws.
Where to shop in Durban
The Heritage Market in Hillcrest is set in magni?cent rose gardens creating a relaxed country atmosphere. It incorporates some 160 Victorian-style shops offering a wide range of goods from rare books to arts and crafts, clothes, fashion accessories, ?re places, barbecues and novelty gifts.