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Flights to Tamarindo are always on sale with CheapOair. We offer cheap flights to Tamarindo year round. In addition to offering competitive airline tickets to top cities around the world, we provide travel guides and tips to inform your travel to Tamarindo. Read below to learn more about all there is to see and do on your next trip, and count on CheapOair to find you the best deals for all of your travel booking needs.
Located along the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, Tamarindo is a gold standard of all regional surf destinations. This coastal town is home to some top-of-the-line superb water sport entertainment (consisting of snorkeling, diving, horseback riding and zip-lining facilities) are an exquisite delight, and so is a scintillating experience of partying here amidst some typical music and an electrifying ambiance. Also of note are its scenic saltwater estuary, fishing hotspots, eco-friendly adventures and the sites that would allow you to see turtles laying eggs and then rushing back to sea. Three of the best beaches near Tamarindo are Playa Avellanas, Playa Grande and Playa Negra.
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