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A. Most travelers made their bookings 1 weeks in advance of their departure.
A. The busiest hours at PRG are 10:00AM - 11:00AM
A. A total of 52 flights arrive at Ruzyne International Airport each week
A. Ruzyne International Airport receives 52 nonstop flights each week.
A. The first flight to PRG departs around 7:00AM - 8:00AM
A. The last flight to Ruzyne International Airport departs around 11:00PM - 12:00AM
A. The month of July saw the most bookings for Ruzyne International Airport
A. The month of April had the fewest bookings for Ruzyne International Airport.
A. OTP, DUB, KBP was the most popular destination visited by First-Class travelers from Ruzyne International Airport.
A. 5 travelers at Ruzyne International Airport booked either First or Business Class.
A. Travelers spent an average of 16 days in Prague.
A. 59% of travelers at Prague were over the age of 35.
A. 23% of travelers were over the age of 60 at Prague.
A. 7% of travelers at Prague traveled with children under the age of 14.
A. 27% of travelers at PRG were millennials.
A. 46% of the total travelers were female at Prague.
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